Woke very early this a.m. - just after 5:00 - and somehow found 'blogher'. What a present so early in the day. I am ready to sign up for their two day conference in August 2006. Also found Ronnie Bennett's blog on aging and listened to a panel discussion on 'going naked'. Then thought I'd check my own blog - I haven't posted in over a year. And guess what - I posted when the Astros were in the play-offs. And now just this week they've made it to the World Series for the very first time. What is it about my blog that entries are made around sporting event times? And I don't even follow the Astros or any other team and had to be conscious about mentioning their winning game at work so people won't think I am totally out of it. Everyone expresses great interest in the outcome - at least, the people I know and work with in the public sphere. I have to believe they really care about the Astros being a part of the World Series. At the very least, they must care because it brings Houston into the spotlight. And they may like baseball. Or they may like cheering for a home team because it's wrapped up as part of our identity. I am not going to delve further this morning. We've already been in the spotlight as the Good Samaritan for evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Houston's response was truly wonderful and heartfelt. And we were organized about it. We can thank Mayor White and Judge Eckels for the fine partnership they created to serve this city and the people who poured into it after Katrina. Can you put the Astro's win in the same sort of category. I can't.
So writing the paragraph above, I find myself in a familiar quandary - should I rewrite and tighten before posting? Sleep on the text before publishing? Are such concerns even in the blogging spirit?
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