Friday, August 31, 2007

Sally picked these wild blue berries in the morning and later that day, Elita made a berry crisp. The recipe is simple.

Just a cup of flour, a cup of dark brown sugar and one stick of softened butter all crumbed together in a bowl. Spread the crumble over the blueberries and bake at 400 degrees for about thirty minutes. You'll know it's done when you smell the berry juices and the crumble looks crisp. Hence, the name.

By the way, it was divine.
I'm ready to spend time with Red Purse. This blog doesn't get a fraction of the attention that I lavish on Rockbridge Times. Perhaps I think of it as a 'shopping blog' and since I am trying to restrain myself from getting into any kind of retail situation, I pay little attention to it. I don't want to write about shopping expeditions and guilty pleasures. I am staying out of stores and find that blogging is now more interesting than Ebay and definitely a less expensive habit to maintain. Write more and spend less - a good motto.

So, Red Purse, let's give you a new identity. Let's talk about older women and all the new stuff in their lives. Baby Boomer women and those slightly older find themselves confronting all sorts of new issues - weird health things, retirement or thoughts about retirement, long term care insurance, terrific grandchildren, frail and aged parents, new career opportunities and amazing for me a 'clear the clutter at last' mentality.

It's a Friday night and there is an absolutely torrential rain going on outside. Lots of lightening and thunder. An empty glass of wine is beside me and I am relishing the thought of the few quiet hours ahead.

Red Purse, you're on.